Verona Consulting HomeBlog Archives 11.12.2023 Entrepreneurial mindset and strategic business skills – Case Valio 17.03.2023 Personnel engagement driving change – Case ABB Drives 23.01.2023 Turning managers into change makers – Case: Kesko 23.01.2023 Does your sales culture destroy the chance of better profits? 20.01.2023 Growth strategy determines the direction 09.01.2023 Three steps to a successful change in business – CEO Kim Kaijasilta 21.12.2022 Systematic work leads to new work paths – Case: Auraprint 20.06.2022 Innovation for circular solutions – experiences from LOOP Lab 06.06.2022 Best ideas for customer interactions – Case: ABB Motion 04.05.2022 Accelerating AI-based software company to scale their business 26.04.2022 Betoniyrityksiä kannustetaan kokeilemaan vihreän betonin valmistusta Innovaatiohaasteen avulla 31.03.2022 Identifying and shaping new service concepts for Technopolis Posts pagination 1 2 3 4 5 Older ›